Lodge of Charity
Monday 18th February was the installation of Bro Andrew J Hall as the worshipful master of the Lodge of Charity of Mark Master Masons no 935. With Very Worshipful Brother G. H. Lee Deputy Provincial Grand Master unable to attend, Very Worshipful Brother Bro I D Nairn was able to take his place for the evening.
The Worshipful Master Bro David Whitmore opened the lodge and following the completion of the lodge business, V W Bro I Nairn P.G.J.O and the accompanying Grand Lodge officers were escorted into the lodge.
W Bro E Walsh the lodge DC then took over as the installing master, with W Bro Heyes who gave the address to the Master and also the Wardens, and W Bro G Corday giving the address to the overseers.
Congratulations by the assistant Provincial Grand Master were given to V W Bro Walsh for the manner in which the ceremony was given and thanked all the brethren for an excellent evening.
Following the ceremony the brethren retired to the festive board downstairs, this was served to the usual very high standard at Ashton Masonic Hall.
An Enjoyable evening was had by all.
Words and pictures by Graham Corday